Why are Drummers at high risk of hearing loss? – EarplugStation.com
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Why are Drummers at high risk of hearing loss?

AC/DC Alpine Earmuffs Brian Johnson Deaf Drummers Earmuffs for Drummers Musicians deafness

Drums have been around as long as mankind with archaeological evidence of drums dating as far back as 6000 BC in distant places from ancient Mesopotamia to Peru to China. Drums are percussion instruments known as membranophones that create sound by striking an object on a stretched membrane with the box of the drum designed to amplify and tune the sound. Over time drums developed and evolved in many countries and the first modern drum kits became available circa 1930's in New Orleans, USA. 

Drums are today one of the most popular instruments to take up and while many kids and adults delight in knocking out a good beat on a drum kit there is a really important rule to remember and that is WEAR HEARING PROTECTION. A single rimshot on your drum can reach up to 120 db which is in the high volume danger zone . Before the science was in on hearing loss and hearing protection many professional musicians simply lost their hearing and went deaf. Some studies estimate that 3 out of 4 professional musicians suffer hearing loss and only recently AC/DC's Brian Johnson had to potpone planned concerts due to the hearing loss he has suffered over his career. It can be tempting to bang away on a drum kit to fever pitch and enjoy the loudness of it all but this is ultimately very dangerous as you will lose your hearing and you probably won't notice until you have lost a lot of it. Once hearing is lost it's gone for good as hearing loss can not be reversed. Now we understand the science of hearing loss most if not all professional musicians and concert goers use some form of hearing protection so they can play and enjoy loud music for their whole lives. 

A single rimshot on your drum can reach up to 120 db which is in the high volume danger zone of decibel levels. As one of the loudest instruments around drums can case serious hearing loss very quickly so it is super important for drummers to protect their ears from the first day they pick up sticks to start drumming. Safe zone decibel levels are from 0-80 and include breathing, leaves rustling, bird calls, and quiet conversations. Between 85-110 decibels we enter the legal definition of "too loud" zone when things are loud enough to consider legal requirements to wear hearing protection. This zone can include a symphony orchestra, a lawn mower, a rock concert and a baby crying. Typically a listener may experience discomfort and be left with a ringing sound in the ears and hearing loss begins to occur. The sense of things being extremely very loud starts at 115 and above. This is what is called the danger zone and a listener will most likely experience pain, ringing in the ears and hearing loss will occur very quickly. Sounds that are in this zone include sirens from an ambulance or a fire engine, Loud music through earphones set too high when you’re listening to music, a jet engine, a balloon popping, a pneumatic drill and a rocket launching. Sounds that are in the danger zone are hard on the ears and can lead to fast permanent hearing loss with the death of hearing tissue. This is why drummers must take all precautions to protect themselves from potential hearing loss.

Alpine Earmuffs for Drummers are especially made with drummers in mind. With a soft comfortable headband and earcups and an optimal noise reduction rating of 25db these earmuffs allow a drummer to enjoy and play drums loudly while lowering the volume to safe levels.  Every drummer needs to have a pair of these Alpine Earmuffs for Drummers. 

Click here to learn more.


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